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Marijuana, also known as cannabis or pot, has a long history of human use. Most ancient cultures didn’t grow the plant to get high. But as herbal medicine, likely starting in Asia around 500 BC. The history of cannabis cultivation in America dates back to the early colonists, who grew hemp for textiles and rope. Where to buy legal marijuana in berlin, buy weed in augsburg, buy cannabis online frankfurt, buy cannabis seeds online,buying real weed online

Political and racial factors in the 20th century led to the . Criminalization of marijuana in the United States, though its legal status is changing in many places.

The cannabis or hemp plant originally evolved in Central Asia before . People introduced the plant into Africa, Europe, and eventually the Americas. Hemp fiber was used to make clothing, paper, sails and rope, and its seeds were used as food. Where to buy legal marijuana online in berlin

Because it’s a fast-growing plant that’s easy to cultivate and has many uses. Hemp was widely grown throughout colonial America and at Spanish missionsin the Southwest. In the early 1600s, the Virginia, Massachusetts and Connecticut colonies required farmers to grow hemp.

These early hemp plants had very low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical responsible for marijuana’s mind-altering effects.where to buy legal marijuana online in berlin

There’s some evidence that ancient cultures knew about the psychoactive properties of the cannabis plant. They may have cultivated some varieties to produce higher levels of THC for use in religious ceremonies or healing practice.

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