buy Thc vape juice Australia

buy Thc vape juice Australia

When is Australian Policy on Weed Likely to Change?

On the 25th of September, the Australian Capital Territory officially legalized the use, cultivation, and possession of cannabis for personal use. Although the ACT is not the first state or territory to legalize or decriminalize cannabis, this is a step in the right direction for the nation as a whole.

Despite the new ACT cannabis laws clashing heavily with Commonwealth laws, there is very little probability that these laws will be overturned. With the growing support of the general population and politicians, it is highly likely that the Australian climate for legal recreational cannabis will evolve very soon, and with it, increased access to buy weed.

Types of CBD Vape Juices

There are two types of CBD Vape Juices. They include the pre-flavored juices and CBD additives. Pre-flavored CBD vape juices are already flavored with CBD, and they are ready to be added to the tank of your vape device. CBD additives are solely CBD content that can be added to any e-juice of your choice.  

CBD Vape Juice Application Method

The application method for the vape liquid varies depending on your vape device. You could either top up the liquid in your tank, or you could add some drops to the cotton wrapped around the coils of your devices. 

How Legal is CBD Vape Juice in Australia?

Things to check before Buying A CBD Vape Juice in Australia:

1. Flavor  

CBD Vape juices are available in different flavors, so you’ll surely find something that you like. These flavors include menthol, citrus, tart cherries, tangerines, rosemary, gin, cardamom, watermelon, caramel, vanilla, raspberry, marshmallows, etc.

A lot of these vape juices combine several flavors together to give you a wonderful vaping experience. Feel free to experiment and try out as many flavors as you please.     

2. VG & PG Content

CBD E-Liquid usually comes infused with VG (vegetable glycerin) and PG (propylene glycol). VG and PG are thinning agents that make the CBD vape juice viscous. The improved viscosity is necessary so the CBD vape juice can work with the heater coils in the vape pens. PG is often added to the CBD vape oil to thin it out and allow the vape juice to wick easily. buy Thc vape juice Australia

The VG to PG ratio often varies depending on the CBD vape juice you buy. Some CBD vape juices are primarily PG as they have a PG ratio of 80 to VG ratio of 20, while some are primarily VG as they have a greater VG ratio. buy Thc vape juice Australia

Most manufacturers opt for VG over PG as PG could cause some health issues, as it turns into formaldehyde vapor if your vape device heats it up to 230⁰C and above.

3.  Percentage of THC Content

Most CBD vape juice contains some percentage of THC content. The higher the THC content, the higher the possibilities of you getting high from the CBD vape juice. If you don’t want any THC content in your CBD vape juice, go for 100% pure CBD isolate vape juice. 100% pure CBD isolate vape juice is primarily made with CBD extracted from hemp. There is no chance of you getting high from it at all.    

4. CBD Content

Check the bottle for the CBD content. Most manufacturers measure CBD content by the milligram. They often start with 25mg CBD content up to 1000mg CBD content. If you’re still new to CBD vape juice, start with the low 25mg CBD content bottles before trying something with a higher CBD strength. Dosing is crucial when using cannabis products. Don’t overdo yourself.

5. Additives

Some CBD vape juice comes with additives like terpenes, phytocannabinoids like CBC and CBD, flavonoids, etc. Some manufacturers even add nicotine juice to their CBD vape juice to give it that traditional cigarette feel. If you don’t want nicotine in your vape juice, look out for products that are labeled as nicotine-free.

If you don’t want artificial additives, look out for products that are labeled so.

In Australia, the additives to the CBD vape juice will depend on what Australian authorities permit the manufacturers to add. Though if you source your CBD juice from a foreign country, you can get products with the additives that you desire.  

6. Vape Device

Some CBD vape juices are created for specific vape devices. Look at the devices the manufacturer recommends and only buy what will work on your vape device. If you have more than one type of vape device, don’t mix vape juice from one device to another one.

Some work fine for dip rigs, tanks, and vaporizers while some are made specifically for vape pens. For example, vape juice cartridges are built specifically for some vape pens.    

7. Third-Party Testing

Products that have been third-party tested are usually of higher quality than others. The third-party testing means that the products have been tested in labs other than the labs owned by the manufacturer.   

8. Extraction Method

The method used to extract the CBD content of the vape juice has a significant role to play in how much you’ll enjoy the product. The CO2 extraction method is the best of all and manufacturers that use this method will proudly label their product as such.  

9. Guarantee and Warranty Period

Look out for products that come with a money-back guarantee. Some manufacturers offer a 30-day money-back guarantee with a lifetime warranty. You’ll hardly get any warranty or guarantee with inferior products. 

10. Farm Used to Grow the Cannabis Content

Watch out for products that are grown in organic farms. In these farms, chemical additives are not used when growing cannabis, and you’ll be sure of 100% organic CBD vape juice. 

Can Australian CBD Vape Juice Be Ingested Orally?

No. Australian CBD vape juice cannot be ingested orally. Don’t ever attempt this at all

Can Oral CBD Tinctures Be Vaped?

No. Oral CBD tinctures can’t be vaped. Any attempt to do so will lead to disastrous results. CBD vape juice is made especially different from oral CBD tinctures. CBD vape juice is made with special additives that make them work with vape pens and other vape devices.    Buy Vape juice here

Is CBD Vape Juice Legal in Australia?

You’ll need a medical prescription to buy CBD vape juice in Australia. But, you can import the product. Just make sure that you go for THC-free vape juice, so you do not get into any legal issues. For a vape juice to identify as THC-free, the THC content has to be less than 0.3%

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