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BUY WEED IN BERLIN;No. Recreational marijuana is illegal in Germany, and Berlin is no exception. However, less than 11 grams is considered a “small amount” in Berlin. And criminal charges may be dropped by the authorities. According to several accounts, most small amount charges in Berlin are not prosecuted. However, possession charges above 11 grams must be prosecuted by law, and. There is no guarantee that charges for small amounts will be dropped. Buy weed in berlin buy marijuana online in UK buy cannabis online norway how to buy weed online europe cannabis wax for sale

As a rule of thumb, as long as you are a responsible, considerate smoker and avoid smoking in public places, you should be fine. The Berlin police has bigger fish to fry than pot smokers, but they will intervene if people complain. Buy weed in berlin buy marijuana online in UK buy cannabis online norway how to buy weed online europe cannabis wax for sale

Since 2017, medical marijuana is legal for seriously ill patients with a prescription. There is currently no federal proposal for the legalization of recreational marijuana.

What happens if I get caught?
If you get caught with cannabis on you, you will be taken to the police station and questioned. Your photo and information will be taken, and you will be let go. As long as you remain polite and do what you are told, this will not be an issue.

A few weeks later, you will get a letter that’s essentially a receipt for your visit to the police station. It is safe to ignore that letter, as it does not require any action from you. At this point, your case is still open.

Eventually, you should receive a letter that either confirms your case was closed and the charges were dropped, or further legal instructions.

How much should you pay for weed?
Marijuana Travels lets users report the price they paid for weed in multiple cities. Here are the price reports for Berlin. As a rule of thumb, you should aim to pay 10€ or less per gram, but desperate times might call for desperate measures.

Where do Berliners buy their weed?
There are two ways to buy weed in Berlin: through street dealers or through your friends. The former is usually done through dealers in Görlitzer Park and Volkspark Hasenheide. The latter is done through friends of friends who know someone.

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Before you consider buying drugs from dealers in parks, flex your network! You are bound to find at least one friend who can hook you up with a safe, reliable dealer. You will usually get you better, safer and cheaper weed through your friends than through anonymous dealers in parks. Buy marijuana online in UK buy cannabis online norway how to buy weed online europe cannabis wax for sale

Is buying weed from parks safe?
No. There is no guarantee that the weed you buy from random dealers is safe for consumption, and more often than not, you will get contaminated weed. Park dealers usually sell low quality weed and put chemicals in it to enhance its appearance. These chemicals irritate your throat and leave a nasty taste in your mouth. Brix and grit weed are two especially common threats in Berlin.

Buying weed from Görlitzer and Hasenheide
If, despite all of the warnings above, you decide to buy marijuana from Berlin’s parks, here is how it usually works.

Whether you are in Hasenheide or Görlitzer, the process is the same. All you need to bring is a baggie and some money. Most dealers speak enough English to get you what you want, but knowing a little German never hurts.

Buy weed in berlin Dealers are easy to find; they will approach you as you walk through the park. The common wisdom is to avoid the dealers at the entrance and go for the less obnoxious ones deeper in the park. Do not deal with the men who approach you around the Görlitzer Bahnhof station. It’s also much safer to go during the day.

Once you have picked a dealer, all you have to do is make eye contact and approach him. Tell the man what you want, and he will direct you to his friend hiding in the bushes.

Tell his partner in the bushes what you want and how much you want. Once you show him the money, he will pull a bag of weed from a branch and put more or less the right amount in your palm. If you are feeling cheeky, you can negotiate and get a little more. Dealers will not make change, so give them the exact amount of money and keep the transaction as frictionless as possible.

Put the weed in your baggie, hide the baggie and head out of the park. Be aware that police officers who sometimes hang around the entrances and intercept people with drugs on them. Buy marijuana online in UK buy cannabis online norway how to buy weed online europe cannabis wax for sale

This article was not written to promote the use of illegal drugs, but to make their consumption as safe as possible, should you decide to break the law on your own accord. All About Berlin does not condone the consumption of cannabis. Be safe and responsible

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